Allianz Trade is the world leader in credit insurance, specializing in bonds, debt collection, structured trade credit, and political risk. Our proprietary intelligence network analyzes changes in the creditworthiness of over 80 million companies on a daily basis. We provide businesses with the assurance to operate securely and ensure the payment of their receivables. We compensate for uncollectible debts and assist clients in avoiding risky transactions.
Our priority is predictive protection, but in case of a claim, our AA rating from Standard & Poor’s reflects the financial strength we deploy, backed by the Allianz Group, to guarantee our clients’ compensation.
Allianz Trade operates in Italy with 10 Risk Offices that monitor the performance of companies and relevant industry sectors, gather evaluation elements, analyze assigned clients, and assess their creditworthiness. 70% of our business turnover is generated by the sales network managed by 29 General Agencies, while the remaining 30% comes from collaborations with leading banks and brokerage firms, as well as the direct sales channel.